
To our many supporters in Ashland, Oregon, and in the rest of the United States, it was announced in our last newsletter that ETB will no longer have 501(c)(3) nonprofit status after August 31, 2023. This means that donations will not be tax deductible after that date.

If you haven’t already, please read our latest newsletter, which includes a full message from the Ashland-based board about this change as well as video check-ins with Fred and his continuing work with the Mae Sot community.

Those who wish to continue supporting Fred’s efforts can do so via check to the same Ashland address as before but made out to Fred Stockwell directly:

Fred Stockwell
c/o Eyes to Burma
709 Washington Street
Ashland, OR 97520

All gifts received will be forwarded to Fred by his friend and the former board treasurer, Ron Rezek.

Fred can be contacted by telephone at +668-5676-3469 or by email at

1 Response to Donate

  1. Lisanne says:


    I came across the website because I was looking for more information about the burmese refugees.
    When I was younger I wrote letters with girls from the refugee camps, it was organized by my school in the netherlands.
    That’s about 10 years ago. I am in Thailand right now.
    And would really like to visit if that is possible. I wrote with 2 girls named Lily Htoo and Naw Eh Moo.
    I would like to help in any way, so hope to hear from you soon.

    Kind regards,

    Lisanne de Jong

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